We will be closed on Monday, May,27 for Memorial Day.

Summer Reading

Our Summer Reading Challenge, “ALL TOGETHER NOW” for all ages begins Tuesday, June 20th. Chance Prizes will be drawn 8/3.

Register for programs beginning 6/1 at 9:00 AM on our event calendar. You can access and register for Warsaw Public Library’s events here,  https://owwl.libcal.com/calendar/warsawpubliclibrary?cid=14241&t=d&d=0000-00-00&cal=14241&inc=0

CHILDREN AND ADULTS, Pick up your bingo boards beginning 6/20.

    • BINGO
      • Complete 5 squares in a row; either across, down, or diagonally for a Bingo and return this card to the library for one ticket to enter our chance prize drawings.
      • One Bingo per patron
      • Complete all squares and return your Full Bingo card to the library for five more tickets to enter our chance prize drawings.
  • Maximum of 6 tickets per patron via the Bingo Board
  • Return Bingo card by Tuesday, 8/1 for your chance to win! Chance prizes drawn Thursday, 8/3.

TEENS (Ages 13-18), Pick up your Summer Challenge Booklet for your chance to win cash prizes (donated by the Friends of the Warsaw Public Library) beginning 6/20. Together we’ll build Hero Harry’s Superhero Squad by reading, creating, and exploring through this booklet. Each page completed will count as one ticket for our cash prize drawing!

HUNT FOR HERO HARRY weekly beginning 6/20-7/29 for your chance to earn up to 6 more prize tickets to enter our chance prize drawings. (For all ages) Hunt for Hero Hero and Save the Collective! A collective noun is a word you use for a group of individuals. Match the clue of the week to one of the pictures on this poster, then locate the shelf (or place) in the library where you could find more information about the animals or people. Harry will be there!

SOLVE OUR COMMUNITY SCAVENGER HUNT PUZZLE by 8/1 for 1 extra prize ticket to enter our chance prize drawings. (For all ages) Pick up your puzzle at the library beginning 6/20. Visit eight historic markers in the village of Warsaw and answer the questions listed on the form. Once you have answered all eight questions, return the form to the library for a ticket for our summer prize drawings.

CREATE OUR COMMUNITY MURAL Decorate feathers for our “All Together Now” Wings Mural.

We have programs and events for all ages! Registration is required for most programs and can be done through our event calendar. If a program is full, please add the name(s) of those patrons who are interested in attending the program to the waiting list.   We may be able to open more space, offer additional sessions, or a patron may cancel.  

Please Note: Only register the patron/s attending the program. If you are registering for a children’s program, only register the child/children attending, not the parent/guardian. If you are registering for a family/adult program, register the adults who will be attending, as well as the children/teens. Each program lists the age group the program is intended for. Please follow this guidance.