Warsaw Public Library is hiring a part time library clerk-substitute. Scroll down for more information in library news!

Board of Trustees

The Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM 

Upcoming Dates: 

12/12/2023, 6pm

1/9/2024, 6pm

2/13/2024, 6pm

3/12/2024, 6pm

4/9/2024, 6pm

5/14/2024, 6pm

6/11/2024, 6pm


Shani Jones (1/2022-12/2024) First Term

Sue Schell (1/2023-12/2025) First Term

John Rutledge (1/2023-12/2025) First Term

Jason Linderman (1/2024-12/2026) First Term

Elizabeth Fox (1/2024-12/2026) First Term

Travis Jones, Town Board Liaison (1/2022-_____)

Trustees and those interested in becoming a trustee should familiarize themselves with the Handbook For Library Trustees of New York State, which can be read here, https://www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/trustees/handbook/handbook.pdf

The Warsaw Public Library is part of the OWWL Library System, serving the 42 libraries in Ontario, Wayne, Wyoming, and Livingston Counties. Open System documentation for libraries, trustees and the Public can be found here, https://docs.owwl.org/Community/WebHome

Library boards can find the links at that address to Board President Briefings

And to Trustee Workshops & Resources.

Trustees are required to participate in a minimum of 2 hours of trustee continuing education annually, in addition to NYS Sexual Harassment Prevention training.

Public Comment Policy  Adopted 2/13/2018, Reviewed/Updated 9/6/2022

The Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees welcomes public comment at board meetings.

The Public Comment Policy ensures that members of the public are allowed to present their views while permitting the Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees to conduct meetings in an efficient and effective manner.  The Public Comment Policy will apply to regular, special and committee meetings.

Public comments are permitted during the time designated on the library board agenda, unless otherwise directed by the Board President or presiding officer.

The Board President or presiding officer determines the order in which speakers will be recognized.

Each speaker will provide his/her name and group affiliation (if any).

Each speaker is allowed a maximum of three minutes to address the board, with additional time provided at the discretion of the Board President or presiding officer.

There will be no more than 15 minutes for public comment, except with consent of the Board.

All comments shall be made with civility and courtesy.  The Board President or presiding officer may prohibit further comment if proper decorum is not displayed.

The public comment period is not a question and answer period and the Board is not obligated to respond to comments.

Warsaw Public Library Strategic/Long Range Plan


Adopted 10/12/2021


To ensure the long-term sustainability of the Warsaw Public Library, this plan provides the framework to meet identified needs of the library and its stakeholders over the next four years. This plan was designed through collaboration between the Board of Trustees, the library’s director and staff, and community members. Information was collected through online surveys, phone interviews, and library usage data. The information gathered during these activities aided the Warsaw Public Library’s Planning Committee to identify the following three primary goals essential to the growth of the Warsaw Public Library. The priorities that the library will focus on over the next four years (2022-2026) include:

  • Physical Space: Increasing the Accessibility and Functionality of the Library
  • Financial Requirements: Planning the Future Funding of the Library
  • Organizational Development: Ongoing Success through Training and Planning


The Warsaw Public Library’s mission is to provide a welcoming destination that supports life-long learning for all ages. The library strives to be a place where the community has access to quality materials, engaging resources and enriching services. The library promotes the joy of reading and strives to foster the pursuit of knowledge to enrich the lives in our community.


1) Physical Space – Increasing the Accessibility and Functionality of the Library

Project Leader: Library Director

Purpose: The community and library board are concerned about space constraints within the library. The layout of the building is disjointed and leads to underused spaces, potential safety issues, accessibility issues, acoustic concerns, and a lack of workflow throughout the library. The library must implement low-cost improvements in conjunction with a long-term plan for major capital improvement projects.

Measurement: Approval of a realistic master plan and maintenance plan for the physical needs of the library.

Action steps:

  • Action Step One – Form a building committee comprised of library trustees.
  • Action Step Two – Hire/obtain a consultant to develop a master plan for future renovations to the Library focused on current library services and structural limitations of the building.
  • Action Step Three – Evaluate current hours with a focus on consistency and community convenience.
  • Action Step Four – Create a maintenance plan to address immediate and future building and grounds needs.
  • Action Step Five – Refocus this portion of the plan once the master plan and maintenance plan are in place.

2) Financial Requirements – Planning the Future Funding of the Library

Project Leader: Library Board of Trustees

Purpose: The Library is facing substantial rises in yearly expenses due to minimum wage increases, an aging building, and cost increases for essential services. Future expenses may include large-scale capital projects associated with the proposed master plan.

Measurement: Development and implementation of a funding strategy and communications plan.

Action steps:

  • Action Step One – Based on increases in the minimum wage and other planned cost increases, develop and commit to a Library Tax Levy Increase Strategy to achieve balanced funding.
  • Action Step Two – Develop the library’s five-year budget projects to assist in developing the financial plan of the library.
  • Action Step Three – Determine sources of additional revenue streams in conjunction with Pioneer (OWWL) Library System, The Town of Warsaw and Warsaw Central School District.
  • Action Step Four – Create a communications/marketing/advocacy plan to increase community support for future financial needs of the library.

3) Organizational Development: Strengthening Ongoing Leadership Development

Project Leader: Library Director and Library Board of Trustees

Purpose: To encourage ongoing leadership development for the Board of Trustees and Director to plan appropriately for the future leadership needs of the library. A vital part of a thriving organization is leadership. For an organization to be successful, that leadership must be an ongoing, dedicated investment with engaged trustees, and staff supporting the organization’s mission.

Measurement: Development of training plans

Action Steps:

  • Action Step One- Create a recruitment plan for trustee succession.
  • Action Step Two- Create an ongoing training plan/schedule for trustees, including a minimum of two hours of training every year by attending a board-related workshop in person or remotely.
  • Action Step Three-Provide library staff with technology training appropriate to their position, in order to address community needs.
  • Action Step Four- Schedule a minimum of two staff trainings a year that will focus on critical skills.
  • Action Step Five- Annually, the library director will work with staff to develop plans and will include professional goals and relevant continuing education and training sessions.