Warsaw Public Library is hiring a part time library clerk-substitute. Scroll down for more information in library news!


Open Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Agenda for Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, September 10, 2024 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 157-     Total Amount: $__6,632.87  



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

New Business:

1. Motion to approve Warsaw Public Library Petty Cash Policy (attached)



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

2. Motion to acknowledge that the board voted to override the tax cap, which didn’t actually happen based on updated figures received from the Comptroller’s Office.



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

3. Motion to approve updated Confidentiality of Library Records Policy (attached)



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

4. Amend Bylaws to include trustee education requirements. To be voted on at next board meeting, November 12, 2024. Revised Bylaws for consideration attached.


The Board shall comply with New York State Education Law Section 260-d requiring a minimum of two hours of continuing education annually for each year of a Trustee’s term. The local

administration of this law shall be dictated by the Library’s Trustee Education Policy.”

5. Motion to approve 2025 Holiday Closures



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

Motion to Adjourn:

Agenda for Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, July 9, 2024 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 123-139 Total Amount: $__6,632.87   and  #140-_156____ Total Amount: $__6413.87_________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

New Business:

1. Motion to approve Warsaw Public Library Disposition of Surplus Property Policy (attached)



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

2. Motion to declare library property (attached) as surplus for disposal



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

Agenda for Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, June 11, 2024 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 106-_____Total Amount: $___________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

New Business:

1. Motion to review/approve quotes/proposals to replace the shingled portion of the roof, Phase 1

(3 Quotes attached)



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

2. Motion to review/approve the Assurances/Authentication of Application for a public library construction aid award to be administered in accordance with the requirements of Education law 273-a & Commissioner’s Regulations 90.12 which was read and duly adopted by the board of Trustees and signed by the President.



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

Motion to Adjourn:

Agenda for Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, May 14, 2024 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 89-______Total Amount: $___________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

New Business:

1. Motion to approve



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

Motion to Adjourn:

Agenda for Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, April 9, 2024 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 70-_______Total Amount: $___________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

New Business:

1. Motion to approve the 2025 Personnel Budget (for purposes of 2025 budget planning and levy request)



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

Motion to Adjourn:

Agenda for Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, March 12, 2024 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 55-________Total Amount: $_____________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

New Business:

1. Motion to approve



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

Motion to Adjourn:

Board Signature____________________________________________________________________

Agenda for Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, February 13, 2024 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 36-____Total Amount: $_______________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

New Business:

1. Motion to approve the 2023 Annual Report to DLD (Dept. of Library Development)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

2. Motion to Review/Approve the Warsaw Public Library Whistleblower Policy



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

Motion to Adjourn:

Agenda for Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, January 9, 2024 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 16-35__Total Amount: $__6046.40_________________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

2. Motion to include the Director’s Stipend in lieu of health insurance of $6210.00 in monthly installments of $517.50 in the first paycheck of each month, beginning in March, 2024  



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

New Business:

1. Motion to approve the revised Warsaw Public Library Employee Handbook



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

2. Motion to Approve proposed changes to part-time librarian 1 vacation and sick time benefits



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

3. Motion to approve revised Code of Conduct Policy (This replaces the current code of conduct, Children’s Library Use Policy and Safety Policy, combining all 3 into one updated policy)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

Motion to Adjourn:

Tuesday, January, 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, December 12, 2023.



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# _____Total Amount: $__________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

1.  Motion:                                                     


 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

New Business:

1. Election of Officers

A motion was made by ________________to nominate _____________ as WPL Board of Trustees President.

_____________________seconded the motion.

Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:       Defeated:                         Carried:

A motion was made by ____________to nominate _____________ as WPL Board of Trustees Vice President.

_____________________seconded the motion.

Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:       Defeated:                                    Carried:

A motion was made by ________________to nominate _____________ as WPL Board of Trustees Secretary.

_____________________seconded the motion.

Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:       Defeated:                                    Carried:

Motion to Adjourn:

Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, November 7, 2023 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 196-__Total Amount: $___________________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

Board Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business:

New Business: Motion to override the tax levy limit for 2024

Whereas, the adoption of this 2024 budget for the Warsaw Public Library requires a tax levy increase that exceeds the tax cap imposed by state law as outlined in General Municipal Law Section 3c adopted in 2011; and

Whereas, General Municipal Law Section 3c expressly permits the library board to override the tax levy limit by a resolution approved by a vote of sixty percent of qualified board members; now therefore be it

Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the Warsaw Public Library voted and approved to exceed the tax levy limit for 2024 by at least the sixty percent of the board of trustees as required by state law on 12/12/2023.

1. Motion to Approve



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

New Business: Motion to approve the 2024 budget (attached)

2. Motion to Approve



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried: If Unanimous, indicate Yes, Unanimously, and list trustees.

Motion to Adjourn:

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, October 10, 2023 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 177-195__Total Amount: $_7,747.17_____________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Board Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business: 2024 Budget

New Business: Programming Policy

1. Motion to Approve



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:

Motion to Adjourn:

Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, September 12, 2023 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 159-_176__Total Amount: $__10,190.89_______



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Board Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business: None

New Business: 2024 Closures

1. Motion to Approve



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:

Notable Library Updates/Discussion:

Motion to Adjourn:

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, July 11, 2023 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 121-142___Total Amount: $_11,446.83 and #143-____   Total Amount: $_________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Board Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business: None

New Business: None

1. Motion to Approve



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:

Notable Library Updates/Discussion:

Motion to Adjourn:

Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, June 13, 2023 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 104-___Total Amount: $__________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Board Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business: None

New Business

1. Motion to Approve that Warsaw Public Library affirms the governance responsibilities of the board of trustees, including the oversight and support of the Library Director in the management actions required to comply with all the provisions of the Systems Access and Confidentiality of Library Records Policy, relevant OWWL Library System policies, respective local policies, and NYS Laws referenced therein, to protect patron privacy and the patron data entrusted to Warsaw Public Library and OWWL Library System.



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:

Notable Library Updates/Discussion:

Will need 2 trustees to sign vouchers on Tuesday, August 15th.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, May 9, 2023 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 83-___Total Amount: $_____________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

2. Motion to Approve 2024 personnel salaries (attached)



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:                                                             

 Defeated:                               Carried:

3. Motion to Approve 2024 request from town to levy on behalf of the library in the amount of $216,850.00 (Estimate of Expenditures Request Form and Worksheets attached) Board will approve final budget in the fall.



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:                                                             

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Board Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

1. Motion to Approve the updated Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:

Notable Library Updates/Discussion:

Motion to Adjourn:

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, April 11, 2023 (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 67-___Total Amount: $________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Board Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business: None

New Business: None

Notable Library Updates/Discussion:

  • Director contacted Mooney Construction to clean out our gutters this Spring and to evaluate our roof for repairs/longevity, and include cost estimates for work required/will be required, as well as evaluate the side railing for stability. As of 5/8, Mooney has not yet provided follow up. I was contacted by the office who informed me that due to illness, Terry wanted clients to know he is delayed and will provide follow up as soon as he is able.
  • Updates from Ron Kirsop, Executive Director, OWWL Library System

Minimum Wage Update:

Several reports have discussed the New York State Minimum Wage increase to $15/hour on Jan. 1, 2024. This will also impact the salary exempt threshold Please keep this in mind as you consider your upcoming budgets.

State Budget for Libraries

Unfortunately, despite strong Senate and Assembly support, State Aid for Libraries ended up flat this year. This is disappointing and will ultimately impact System-services and LSSA allocations to libraries this year. With costs increasing, this is essentially a cut to Library Operating Aid.

Library Operating Aid: $99.6M

Library Construction Aid: $34M

Motion to Adjourn:

Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, March 14, 2023. (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 50-____Total Amount: $_________________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Board Correspondence:

Unfinished Business:

New Business:

Library Updates/Discussion:

Motion to Adjourn:

Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, February 14, 2023. (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 31-_____Total Amount: $___________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Board Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business: None

New Business

1.  Approve the Annual Report for Public and Association Libraries – 2022



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Library Updates/Discussion:

Motion to Adjourn:

Open Meeting of the Board of Trustees/ Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, January 10, 2023. (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 13-_____Total Amount: $_____________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Board Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

1. Motion to review/approve updated employee handbook with mandatory 2023 updates. (attached)



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

2.  Motion to review/approve updated Records Retention Policy to include program documentation. (attached)



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

3.  Motion to review/approve Open Meetings Policy. (attached)



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

4.  Motion to review/approve updated Emergency Disaster Plan. (attached)



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

5. Motion to approve copy & fax fees



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Library Updates/Discussion:

Conflict of Interest

Motion to Adjourn:

Open Meeting of the Board of Trustees/ Tuesday, January, 10, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, December 13, 2022. (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 224-227 & #1-12_____Total Amount: $8757.14



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Board Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business: None

1.  Motion:                                                     


 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

New Business:

1. Election of Officers

A motion was made by ________________to nominate _____________ as WPL Board of Trustees President.

_____________________seconded the motion.

Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:       Defeated:                         Carried:

A motion was made by ____________to nominate _____________ as WPL Board of Trustees Vice President.

_____________________seconded the motion.

Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:       Defeated:                                    Carried:

A motion was made by ________________to nominate _____________ as WPL Board of Trustees Secretary.

_____________________seconded the motion.

Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:       Defeated:                                    Carried:

2.  Motion to review/ approve Conflict of Interest Policy with Sign off form



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Library Updates/Discussion:

Conflict of Interest

Motion to Adjourn:

Open Meeting of the Board of Trustees / Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, November 8, 2022. (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 205-223______Total Amount: $ $6819.75_



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

2. Motion to transfer $6237.50 from the 2023 fund balance to line item L7410.1



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

3. Motion to approve amended 2023 Budget (attached)

Total Expenditures/Revenues $266, 729.50



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

4. Approve Line Transfers attached



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:


Unfinished Business:

1. Motion to approve and adopt amended Bylaws



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

New Business:




 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Library Updates/Discussion:

Motion to Adjourn:

Open Meeting of the Board of Trustees / Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, October 11, 2022. (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 187- ___Total Amount: $ __________



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Correspondence: None

Unfinished Business: Review attached Bylaws with Revisions to be approved at the December 13 meeting.  

New Business:




 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Library Updates/Discussion:

Motion to Adjourn:

Warsaw Public Library Agenda

Open Meeting of the Board of Trustees / Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at 6:00 PM

Call to order and roll call:

Motion: Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, July 12, 2022. (attached)



Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1. Motion to Audit and Approve the abstract of audited vouchers

# 133-152__ Total Amount: $ 4762.00   & # 153- 165    Total Amount: $_9160.59_____



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

2. Motion to Transfer to:  L7410.4B Conference $1500.00

                                          L7410.4G Programs $800.00

(Attached) Transfer from: L2705 Gifts & Donations $800.00

                                           L 3089 System Grant $1500.00



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Unfinished Business: None               Correspondence: Project Read

New Business:

  1. Motion to Approve the following policies;
  • Confidentiality of Library Records Policy
  • Freedom of Information Law Policy & FOIL Request Form
  • Bed Bug Policy
  • “First Amendment Audit” Public Library Response Policy & Protocol
  • Internet Use Policy
  • Guidelines for Animals in the Library Policy
  • Trustee Education Policy
  • Warsaw Public Library General Policy and Procedures
  • Warsaw Public Library Personnel/Employee Handbook



 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:      

 Defeated:                               Carried:

Library Updates/Discussion:

Motion to Adjourn: