The Library will be closed Monday, May 26th in observance of Memorial Day.


You can access all of Warsaw Public Library’s program information, and register for programs on our event calendar by clicking here!  

NOTE: If using a desktop or  mobile device, make sure to scroll all the way down and go to the next page. There are multiple pages of events! 

We have programs and events for all ages! Registration is required for most programs and can be done through our event calendar. If a program is full, please add the  name/s of those patrons who are interested in attending the program to the waiting list.   We may be able to open more space, offer additional sessions, or a patron may cancel.  

You can access system-wide programs and event information here

If interested in only Warsaw’s programs, filter by library and choose Warsaw from the drop-down menu. 

Most library programs are held virtually and open to the public.  Registration may be required. 

Please visit our YouTube Channel at for a complete list of our virtual programs and storytimes. 

Ongoing: Weekly Storytime: Tuesdays at 11:00 am

Join Miss Mary Tuesdays at 11:00 am for stories, songs, and activities for toddler & pre-school aged children, & their caregivers. No registration is required for this free weekly event. 

Ongoing: 1000 Books Before Kindergarten

We’re joining the National “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” Campaign. It’s fun, free, and helps to build a lifelong love of books. If you read just 1 book a day to your child for 3 years, that equals 1,095 books! You can count the same book multiple times, count books read in storytime, at daycare…anywhere! This program also pairs with Project Read. You can participate in both programs with one easy calendar! Pick up a new calendar every month. Visit the library anytime to register & learn more! Join the WPL “Road to Reading” with milestone prizes along the way!

Ongoing: Project Read

Wyoming County families are invited to participate in this reading program that begins in infancy and continues through elementary school. Read together for 15 minutes a day for at least 20 days a month. Mark each day you have read together on the Project Read Calendar, (available at all Wyoming County libraries) return your completed calendar to the library each month and choose a free paperback or board book for your home library!

Empire Pass (May-October)

Borrow an Empire Pass!
The Warsaw Public Library is proud to offer an Empire Pass for New York State Parks, which allows users to borrow free admission to hundreds of New York State Parks. The Empire Pass is your ticket to the great outdoors!–swim, hike, fish, play; it’s all free!

Here’s how it works:
* Visit the Warsaw Public library and check out an Empire Pass- just like a book! The pass may be borrowed for one week with no renewals, and no holds. You will be charged $1 a day overdue fines if the pass is not returned in one week. Contact the library to ask if the pass is available to borrow.

* Take the pass to a participating park and enjoy FREE admission! Participating parks listed here:…

* After you have enjoyed your visit, return the pass to the Warsaw Public library. Pass must be borrowed and returned to the WPL circulation desk. Do not return the pass to the book drop or to any other OWWL Library.

Using the Empire Pass
The Empire Pass permits unlimited vehicle access to most facilities operated by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic preservation and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Each Empire pass is usable for one motor vehicles except those used in the business of transporting passengers for hire including public or private buses, shuttles ,taxis, limousines or other livery vehicles. The Empire Pass will not be accepted if it has been altered in any way. The Empire Pass must be presented upon entry to the facility. Without the pass, you will be required to pay the vehicle entry fee. Lost or stolen passes will be reported to the New York State Parks and will be charged a replacement fee.